Angling Consulting, is an online visual portfolio that includes some years of graphic, media and consulency projects related to the sportfishing field.
Omar Bo Gade professional profile (updated 2017)
Class 1980, graphic and websdesigner for years, Omar combined soon his passion for fishing and his work, by becoming a freelancer specialized in the sportfishing range.
Omar travelled all across Europe for fishing, and in many other parts of the world, just to cite some: South America, Canada, Greenland, Russia.
Since 2013 he is the owner of Denmark Fishing and Outdoor Lodge. He is a profile in the international flyfishing scene and a respected fishing guide, holding international certifications (I.G.F.A captain and guide certification, F.F.F federation of fly fisher guide association member, Danish fishing guide certification).
With a great international network in the sportfishing field, he is often together with high profiled names of this sport. He is not rarely invited abroad to visit fishing clubs or fishing organizations, and his profile has been used several times in articles and covers of specialized fishing publications.
Since 2009 he partecipates every year as stand holder or as an invited guest at 3 to 5 specialized fishing fairs across Europe.
In his past as graphic and websdesigner as freelance, Omar contributed to the production of 100+ advertising pages for fishing magazines, some fishing gear producers catalogues, and the realization of several websites and portals for the sportfishing industry.
Thaks to his expertise and network in the field, Omar has been called several times as advisor for the developing of fishing turism projects, just to cite some:
- - He is the founder and owner of "Denmark Fishing Lodge", the only real fishing Lodge of Denmark, established in 2013, which counts 350+ different guests per year, coming from all the world including Japan, Usa, and New Zealand.
- - He collaborate (external support) with the Havørred Fyn project since 2009.
- - Has been communication advisor for some danish local institutions such as “Visit Lillaebelt” in 2014and "visit Assens" in 2015.
- - Has been called and involved in the task force established in Copenhagen by the ministry Dan Jørgensen in 2015, to form the future strategy of fishing-turism in Denmark.
- Since 2010, he promoted as first ever Greenland as fishing destination in the areas of Italy and the itlian part of Switzerland. He is every year tour leader for groups of fishermen that travels to Greenland as agent for
- - He collaborates since the foundation with H2O Magazine as graphic designer, writer and destination consultant.
- - Abroad Denmark, since 2015, he is giving his support to the turist board of Trentino Region (Italy) in order to promote in northern Europe their fishing areas and hotels (by organizing groups and press trips from north Europe).